. Ευχαριστούμε όλα τα μέλη μας τα οποία μας στέλνουν τις ερωτικές ιστορίες τους, Χωρίς εσάς το πόρταλ δεν θα γνώριζε ποτέ την επιτυχία που έχει σήμερα. Με τη σειρά μας θέλουμε να σας παρακαλέσουμε όπως οι ερωτικές ιστορίες που μας στέλνετε να είναι γραμμένες στα Ελληνικά χωρίς ορθογραφικά λάθη. Στείλετε την ιστορία σας για δημοσίευση στο Και φυσικά περιμένουμε τα σχόλιά σας στις ιστορίες μας και στις φωτογραφίες μας. argymeleni@gmail.com
ερωτικές ιστορίες
Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Με τιμώρησαν που τις απάτησα
Η πιτσιρίκα, η Νάντια, είχε το συνήθειο να μου γράφει γραμματάκια και αυτό ήταν που με πρόδωσε στην Βίκυ (την 24άρα). Έτσι έβγαλα το μπουφάν και το άφησα στον καναπέ και πήγα να κάνω ένα μπάνιο. Η Βίκυ έψαξε μάλλον τις τσέπες μου γιατί την έπιασα να το κρατάει με υφάκι όταν βγήκα από το μπάνιο. Εξηγούσα τα ανεξήγητα, έλεγα ότι ήταν μια πιτσιρίκα κολλημένη μαζί μου και μου έστελνε γράμματα αλλά δεν με πίστευε. Τελικά περάσαμε δυο εβδομάδες αμίλητοι και κυρίως αγάμητοι. Εγώ δεν πήγαινα στην πιτσιρίκα για να δείξω πόσο πιστός είμαι αλλά ούτε να μου τον παίξει δεν ήθελε. Εκεί που είχα απογοητευτεί, γυρνώντας από το συνεργείο (εκεί δουλεύω), την είδα να κάθεται με ένα χαμόγελο στον καναπέ. Σκέφτηκα: «Ωραία! Ζητάει πούτσο». Πλησίασα και μου είπε:
- "Το σκέφτηκα καλύτερα και θέλω να μου γνωρίσεις την κοπέλα… και ποιος ξέρει; Μπορεί να σε ικανοποιήσουμε μαζί…"
Νόμιζα ότι με δουλεύει αλλά δεν άργησα να πειστώ ότι το εννοεί, όταν είδα δυο τσάντες με κυλοττάκια που με έκαναν να θέλω να χύσω. Έτσι, κάλεσα την Νάντια σπίτι μας (συζούσα με την 24άρα), και της εξήγησα. Η Νάντια αντί να θυμώσει φάνηκε καυλωμένη με την ιδέα και είπε ότι θα ερχόταν. Έτσι κανονίστηκε.
Το Σάββατο είχα παρφουμαριστεί και είχα βάλει το μπουρνούζι μου. Η κοπέλα μου (η 24άρα) με κοιτούσε κάθε λίγο και γελούσε με την έκφραση του χαζοχαρούμενου που είχα. Χτύπησε το κουδούνι και άνοιξε η κοπέλα μου. Ήταν ένα όνειρο! Η Νάντια και η Βίκυ μαζί να μου χαμογελάνε καυλιάρικα… καθίσαμε στον καναπέ και βάλαμε ποτάκια. Όταν αρχίσαμε να χαλαρώνουμε, η Βίκυ σηκώθηκε και είπε:
- "Ας καυλώσουμε λίγο το αγοράκι μας. Ε, Νάντια;" Η Νάντια σηκώθηκε και είπε:
- "Αμέ!"
Και ήρθαν και η δυο και γονάτισαν, μου έλυσαν το μπουρνούζι και ξεκίνησε η Νάντια το γλύψιμο στον πούτσο ενώ η Βίκυ έπιασε τις μεγάλες αρχιδάρες μου.
Είχα αρχίσει να αναστενάζω… ξέρω μοιάζει ψεύτικο, αλλά σας λέω συνέβη και όπως θα ανακαλύψετε παρακάτω δεν είναι όλα ρόδινα.
Ο πούτσος μου έπεφτε από το στόμα της Βίκης στο στόμα της Νάντιας, και μετά άρχισαν να μου τον παίζουν. Έχυσα πάνω στα καλωπισμένα χεράκια τους, και μου γλύψανε και τα χύσια. Σηκωθήκαμε να πάμε για το μεγάλο φινάλε της βραδιάς στην κρεβατοκάμαρα. Η Νάντια έκατσε να μου κάνει χαδάκια. Η Βίκη ήρθε στην κρεβατοκάμαρα με δυο σκοινιά από αυτά που απλώνουμε. Άρχισα να καταλαβαίνω ότι θέλανε σκληρό γαμήσι. Έτσι, με δέσανε χωρίς να αντισταθώ. Μετά η Νάντια έφερε κάτι χαπάκια και μου τα έδωσε στο στόμα:
- "Πάρτα!" Είπε. "Είναι για να καυλώσεις και άλλο…"
Έτσι, εγώ τα πήρα χωρίς δεύτερες κουβέντες. Μετά από κανένα 20λεπτο φιλιών και χαδιών, άρχισα να νιώθω αδύναμος. Κάτι μου είχαν δώσει η σκύλες! Με δυσκολία κουνούσα τα χέρια μου. Τελικά, όλα ξεκαθαρίστηκαν όταν με γύρισαν μπρούμυτα και εγώ ανίκανος να κουνηθώ τις έβλεπα να βάζουν στραπ-ον. Αν και αδύναμος η καρδιά μου πήγαινε να σπάσει! Θα με γαμούσανε οι γκόμενες της ζωής μου αντί να τις γαμήσω εγώ..!
Πριν καν καταφέρω να ολοκληρώσω την σκέψη μου, ένιωσα ένα χέρι να με αλείφει επίμονα στην κωλοτρυπίδα. Είχε έρθει η ώρα. Εγώ προσπαθούσα να μιλήσω αλλά η φωνή μου ακουγόταν χαμηλά… τελικά ένιωσα αργά το πρώτο πλαστικό καυλί να μπαίνει στον κώλο μου και με μια απότομη κίνηση το έβαλαν μέσα. Ήταν η Βίκυ ο πρώτος μου γαμιάς.
Εγώ για πρώτη φορά μετά τα χάπια φώναξα δυνατά. Με πόνεσε πολύ! Οι γκόμενες δεν ήθελαν να με καυλώσουν αλλά να με τιμωρήσουν και αυτό φαίνεται παρακάτω που μου λένε διάφορα. Εγώ προσπαθούσα να αντέξω το πλαστικό καυλί… η καρδιά μου κόντευε να σπάσει! Προσπάθησα να πω ένα: "αφήστε με" και η Νάντια ήρθε και μου έχωσε το πλαστικό καυλί της στο στόμα με δύναμη! Κόντεψε να με πνίξει. Η Βίκυ έχωνε από πίσω σαν μανιακή και έλεγε με μίσος, όχι με καύλα:
- "Σκυλί! Τώρα θα σε γαμήσουμε για να μάθεις να ξενοπηδιέσαι!"
Η Νάντια πάλι με εκδικούνταν για άλλο λόγο… έλεγε:
- "Έτσι Βίκυ! Γάμα τον από τον κώλο γιατί όταν του έλεγα ότι πονάει έλεγε ότι δεν τον αγαπάω για να με αναγκάσει να του δώσω κώλο!"
Όσο η Βίκυ άκουγε τα κατορθώματα μου στην Νάντια, τόσο γάμαγε πιο δυνατά. Ο κώλος μου με είχε πεθάνει! Μετά αλλάξανε βάρδιες. Ήρθε η Βίκυ στα μούτρα μου και μου έχωσε το πλαστικό καυλί στο στόμα, ενώ η άμαθη Νάντια έχωσε το δικό της πλαστικό καυλί στον ήδη ταλαιπωρημένο κώλο μου. Η Νάντια με γάμησε πιο μαλακά από την άλλη ωστόσο ο κωλαράκος μου άρχισε να βγάζει στάλες αίματος, και η Βίκη αναφώνησε σαν τρελή:
- "Τον ξεπαρθενιλασαμε από πίσω!!!"
Η Νάντια συμπλήρωσε:
- "Για να δούμε αν θα ξανακάνει μαλακίες μαζί μας!"
Με άφησαν δεμένο και πήγαν στο σαλόνι να κουβεντιάσουν. Τις άκουγα αλλά το μόνο που σκεφτόμουν ήταν το άμοιρο κωλαράκι μου και η ξεφτίλα που θα έτρωγα αν μάθαιναν όλοι ότι οι δυο γκόμενες με γάμησαν.
Τελικά, όταν βρήκα τις δυνάμεις μου (πέρασε η επήρεια του χαπιού), λύθηκα μόνος μου και με δυσκολία περπάτησα ως το μπάνιο. Η Βίκυ και η Νάντια κάθονταν στο σαλόνι γελώντας που με έβλεπαν έτσι. Ήθελα να τις πλακώσω αλλά με απείλησαν να με ξεφτιλίσουν δείχνοντας την κασέτα τους σε γνωστούς. Και αλήθεια έλεγαν… η κασέτα υπάρχει και καμιά φορά την βλέπει η Βίκυ όταν θέλει να καυλώσει για να την γαμήσω...
Από τότε, μονογαμία.
Η καυλιάρα Αιμιλία
Ο Δημήτρης είναι φίλος μου. Ή μάλλον καλύτερα γνωστός μου. Κοπελιά του είναι η Αιμιλία την οποία και γνώρισα τυχαία σε μια καφετέρια που πίναμε καφέ με τον Δημήτρη.Πέρναγε τυχαία και ο Δημήτρης της είπε να κάτσει.
Η Αιμιλία δεν το πολυσκέφτηκε και έκατσε. Έκατσε σε μια καρέκλα ανάμεσα σε μένα και τον Δημήτρη. Φορούσε ένα κοντό φορεματάκι μαύρες γόβες και ένα ζακετάκι από πάνω, το οποίο μόλις έκατσε έβγαλε και εμφανίστηκε ένα καυτό ντεκολτέ. Τα μάτια μου χωρίς να το θέλω έπεφταν πάνω της, κάτι που δεν έδειχνε να την ενοχλεί αλλά το απολάμβανε μάλλον.
Ο Δημήτρης δεν της έδινε και πολύ σημασία, μίλαγε με ένα άλλο παιδί από το δίπλα τραπέζι. Και έτσι η Αιμιλία μίλαγε μαζί μου κάνοντας κάποιες κινήσεις που έδειχναν ότι γουστάρει φάση. Σήκωνε δήθεν τυχαία το φορεματάκι της ελαφρώς, κάτι που με καύλωνε και φαινόταν έντονα. Η Αιμιλία το κατάλαβε αλλά δεν καρφώθηκε αμέσως. Περίμενε την κατάλληλη στιγμή, η οποία δεν άργησε.
Μετά από λίγο ο Δημήτρης πήγε τουαλέτα και ήταν η ώρα που η καυλιάρα η Αιμιλία εκδηλώθηκε. Χωρίς να κολλήσει καθόλου μου πιάνει το πόδι, έρχεται κοντά στο αφτί μου και μου λέει:
- «Δεν έχεις καυλώσει μόνο εσύ, έχω καταλάβει πόσο καυλωμένος είσαι. Κάνει μπαμ!»
Κόλλησα για λίγο αλλά χαμογέλασα και την κοίταγα στην πρόστυχη φατσούλα της με βλέμμα γεμάτο υποσχέσεις. Αυτή δεν έμεινε εκεί, το συνέχισε. Πήρε το κινητό μου έγραψε το νούμερο της και μου είπε:
- «Ξέρεις τι να κάνεις μόλις φύγουμε…»
Δεν περίμενα κάτι τέτοιο με τίποτα αλλά μου άρεσε. Μόνο που σκεφτόμουν τον Δημήτρη αλλά δεν άργησα να το ξεπεράσω. Εκείνη την ώρα ήρθε ο Δημήτρης και έκατσε δίπλα μου, από την άλλη μεριά όμως. Μιλάγαμε και με ρώταγε πως βλέπω την Αιμιλία. Το μόνο που του απάντησα ήταν πως είναι ωραία κοπέλα και το σταμάτησα εκεί.
Μετά από λίγο η Αιμιλία είπε πως θα φύγει. Ο Δημήτρης της είπε:
- «Κάτσε, θα σε πάω εγώ σε λίγο..»
Αλλά προσποιήθηκε πως δεν έχει όρεξη να μείνει άλλο και πως θα πάει μόνη. Χαιρέτισε και έφυγε. Μόνο και μόνο από το περπάτημα της ο πούτσος μου είχε καυλώσει πάλι. Ήταν θεά! Δεν άργησα να σηκωθώ και εγώ για να φύγω. Ο Δημήτρης μου πρότεινε να πάω για ποτό εκεί που θα πάει με τους φίλους του αλλά του είπα πως έχω κανονίσει αλλού. Κάποια άλλη φορά ευχαρίστως και χαιρετηθήκαμε.
Το πρώτο πράγμα που έκανα μόλις βγήκα ήταν να πάρω τηλέφωνο την Αιμιλία. Χτύπησε μια φορά και το σήκωσε αμέσως.
- «Άντε καυλιάρη μου δεν αντέχω άλλο, θέλω να γευτώ το καυλί σου μέσα μου!»
Μου είπε και μου έδωσε την διεύθυνση του σπιτιού της που θα ήταν μόνη της για όλο το βράδυ.
Δεν το πολυσκέφτηκα και πήγα σχεδόν τρέχοντας. Χτύπησα το κουδούνι και άνοιξε σχετικά γρήγορα. Μόλις την είδα κόντεψα να τελειώσω πάνω μου. Φορούσε ένα δείγμα φούστας, καλσόν σκούρο, τις μαύρες γόβες και ένα κολλητό μπλουζάκι από το οποίο ξεχώριζαν οι ρώγες αφού δεν φόραγε τίποτα από μέσα. Χωρίς να μου πει κάτι άρχισε να με φιλάει και να μου πιάνει τον πούτσο.
- «Δεν αντέχω άλλο… θέλω να το γευτώ!!!», ξεφώνισε και γονάτισε ενώ μου ξεκούμπωσε το παντελόνι.
Ο πούτσος μου πετάχτηκε έξω και τον έπιασε με τα χείλια της. Η πιτσιρίκα ήξερε να πιπώνει πολύ καλά για την ηλικία της. Μου τον έγλυφε και τον ρούφαγε με τόση μανία που δεν άργησα να τελειώσω από την πολλή καύλα. Πήγα να τραβηχτώ μήπως δεν θέλει αλλά με κράτησε από τα οπίσθια και τα ρούφηξε όλα ενώ με κοίταγε με πρόστυχο βλέμμα. Η καριόλα!
Σηκώθηκε και πήγε και έκατσε πάνω στο γραφείο, ενώ έβγαλε την φούστα και την μπλούζα της. Την έβλεπα με το καλσόν και τις γόβες και ξανά καύλωνα. Ήταν πολύ καριόλα. Πήγα κοντά της και της έσκισα το καλσόν έτσι ώστε να έχω πρόσβαση στο μουνάκι της που είχε γεμίσει υγρά. Αφού την φίλησα παθιασμένα για λίγο και ενώ ταυτόχρονα της χάιδευα τα μουνοχειλάκια της, έσκυψα και έφερα την γλώσσα μου στην κλειτορίδα της. Την έγλυφα με μανία και έβαζα την γλώσσα μου όσο πιο βαθιά μπορούσα.
Μου κράταγε το κεφάλι εκεί σαν να ήθελε να το βάλει όλο μέσα. Άρχισα να της γλύφω την κλειτορίδα πιο έντονα και της έβαλα ένα δάχτυλο στο μουνάκι της, το οποίο έβαζα και έβγαζα όλο και πιο γρήγορα… μέχρι που δεν άντεξε άλλο και γέμισε το στόμα μου με τα υγρά της. Είχανε πολύ ωραία γεύση! Την έγλυψα για τα καλά κάτι που την καύλωσε τρελά και ήθελε να γαμηθεί επειγόντως!
Όπως ήτανε στο γραφείο κατέβηκε, μου γύρισε πλάτη και έσκυψε ελαφρώς. Εγώ της έσκισα λίγο ακόμη το καλσόν και κάρφωσα τον πούτσο μου στο μουνάκι της. Αναστέναξε και μου φώναξε:
- «Σκίσε με καυλιάρη μου! Κάνε με να νιώσω το πουτανάκι σου η καριόλα!!!»
Άρχισα να την γαμάω όλο και πιο δυνατά μέχρι που αλλάξαμε στάση. Έκατσε στα τέσσερα στο πάτωμα και έβαλε ένα δάχτυλο στον κώλο της. Πήγα από πίσω της, της ξανακάρφωσα το μουνάκι και έβαλα το δικό μου δάχτυλο στον κώλο της. Άρχισε να τρέμει από την καύλα και να μου φωνάζει:
- «Τον θέλω στο κωλαράκι μου!!!»
Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη τον έβγαλα και τον ακούμπησα στην κωλοτρυπίδα της και τον έσπρωχνα σιγά-σιγά. Αλλά η καριόλα είχε τόσες καύλες που με μια απότομη κίνηση προς τα πίσω, τον πήρε όλον μέσα της και άρχισε να βογκάει από καύλα. Την πήδηξα με μανία από τον κώλο και λίγο πριν τελειώσω τραβήχτηκα και σηκώθηκα. Έκατσα στην καρέκλα του γραφείου και την έβαλα να κάτσει πάνω στο γραφείο έτσι ώστε να με βλέπει. Της έπιασα το πόδι και άρχισα να το φιλάω και να το γλύφω όπως ήταν με το καυλιάρικο καλσόν.
Στη συνέχεια η Αιμιλία το τράβηξε και μαζί με το άλλο άρχισε να μου παίζει τον πούτσο. Έκανε κάτι που με καύλωνε πάρα πολύ και το καταλάβαινε και η ίδια. Η καριολίτσα συνέχιζε όλο και πιο έντονα. Μέχρι που ήρθε η έκρηξη και της γέμισα τα καυλιάρικα πόδια της με το σπέρμα μου. Κάπου εκεί πλυθήκαμε και μετά από λίγο έφυγα…
Νοσοκόμα κι άρρωστη
Ερωτικές Ιστορίες - Ήταν τέσσερις και ήταν μόνες. Το μαγαζί ήταν λάτιν που σημαίνει ότι μάζευε πολλές γκόμενες. Τα λάτιν τα τραγούδια τα βαριέμαι αφάνταστα αλλά άμα βλέπεις τα βυζιά και τους κώλους γύρω σου δεν ακούς την μουσική.Εφόσον ήταν κι Απόκριες γινόταν της πουτάνας. Εκείνη η βραδιά ξεκίνησε περίεργα. Πρώτα μια Αγγλίδα που χόρευε μπροστά μου γύρισε το χέρι της και μου έσφιξε τα αρχίδια πιο δυνατά από ότι έπρεπε με αποτέλεσμα να την βρίσω αν και δεν καταλάβαινε και πολλά από το αλκοόλ. Εμείς ήμασταν τρεις, οι άλλοι δεν την πέφτανε. Οι γκόμενες κοίταγαν συνέχεια κι εντέλει η μια άφησε το ποτό της δίπλα από τα δικά μας. Έτσι της έπιασα αμέσως την κουβέντα. Σε κάποια στιγμή σε ένα σαχλοτράγουδο που έπαιζε ήρθε πίσω μου και με έπιασε σφιχτά από την μέση. Της είπα άντρας είμαι δεν χορεύω τέτοια, μόνο ζεϊμπέκικα. Ήμασταν πια φάτσα με φάτσα
- Πόσο άντρας είσαι! Μου είπε προκλητικά.
Την κόλλησα σε μια από τις κολόνες του μαγαζιού και πέρασα με τρόπο και τα δύο χέρια μου κάτω από την φούστα της κι ανέβηκα στα κωλομέρια της σφίγγοντάς την με δύναμη. Όπως την είχα στην κολόνα δεν μας έβλεπαν εκτός από μια πλαϊνή που έριχνε λοξές ματιές. Έβαλα την γλώσσα μου στο στόμα της και η γυναίκα ήταν από αυτές που και τσαμπουκά είχαν και ήξερε τι ήθελε.
Μου έτριβε τον πούτσο πάνω από το παντελόνι και φοβόμουν μην χύσω μια κι εκείνη την μέρα φόραγα γκρίζο ανοιχτό κουστούμι. Της το είπα. Μου τον έβγαλε έξω και κόλλησε τον κώλο της πάνω μου. Τα φωτορυθμικά έπαιζαν κι όλοι χόρευαν κι όταν της είπα στο αυτί “χύνω”… έσφιξε το χέρι της γύρω από το καυλί μου και μόνο λίγες σταγόνες λέρωσαν την φούστα της.
Όλες τους, η παρέα της δηλαδή, ήταν νοσοκόμες από κάποιο κρατικό, δεν θυμάμαι πιο. Η Χριστίνα ήταν πραγματική μουνάρα, ψηλή, ξανθιά και κυρίως έξυπνη.
- Για μια βραδιά δεν είμαστε εμείς οι δυο… Διαπίστωσε περισσότερο παρά αναρωτήθηκε.
Είχαμε κι οι δυο σχέση αλλά τέτοιες ώρες δεν σκέφτεσαι μαλακίες. Μου έλεγε στο αυτί τι θα μου έκανε μετά, πως θα μου τον έπαιρνε στο στόμα στις τουαλέτες τις γυναικείες. Τα μισά άκουγα από την φασαρία αλλά είχα τρελαθεί. Είχα καυλώσει άγρια με τις προστυχιές της κι ένιωθα πιο άρρωστος από ποτέ. Στις γυναικείες τουαλέτες μπήκαμε με την μια σαν αγρίμια. Είχε αρκετές γυναίκες που φτιάχνονταν αλλά έκαναν τις αδιάφορες. Έκατσε στο καπάκι και τον έβγαλα έξω. Τον έτριψε στα μαγουλά της κι έπειτα τον δάγκωνε ελαφρά και τον έγλυφε πότε δυνατά και πότε ανεπαίσθητα.
Όταν κάποια χτύπαγε την πόρτα τον έβγαζε από το στόμα κι έλεγε “άλλη” μετά συνέχιζε σε πιο άγριο τέμπο. Από την διπλανή τουαλέτα τις άκουγα που μπαίνανε και κατέβαζαν τα ρούχα τους κι αυτό με καύλωνε ακόμα πιο πολύ. Μου χάιδευε τα αρχίδια με μοναδικό τρόπο κι όταν της είπα: «θα σε χύσω τώρα βρωμιάρα», παράτησε τα χέρια της και τον κράτησε μόνο με το στόμα. Προσπάθησα να μην φωνάξω μα δεν κρατήθηκα. Τα κατάπιε και βγήκαμε σα να μην τρέχει τίποτα.
Η δική μου παρέα δεν προχωρούσε με τις φίλες της. Ελεύθερο διαμέρισμα για να γαμηθούμε υπήρχε μόνο μιας από την παρέα της. Φύγαμε μαζί και στην διαδρομή η Χριστίνα της έλεγε ότι δεν είναι και τόσο κακό να συμμετέχει μια εμπειρία είναι. Συμφωνούσα απολύτως. Η άλλη είχε μούτρα αλλά ποιος νοιάζεται. Παγκράτι ήταν, μεγάλο δυάρι αλλά όχι αρκετά μεγάλο. Καταξεσκιστήκαμε.
Της έσκισα τα ρούχα κι η φούστα που ήταν από λεπτό ύφασμα σκίστηκε σαν χαρτοπετσέτα. Με δάγκωνε στους ώμους και το παντελόνι μου, μου το κατέβασε με τα δόντια αφού έλυσε την ζώνη. Την πέταξα στο πάτωμα πόναγανε τα γόνατα μας μα η καύλα ήταν τεράστια… μουγκρίζαμε.
- Γάμα με, σκίσε με, σκίστη την μουνάρα μου, έτσι δυνατά, χώστον μου…
Την γαμούσα πισωκολλητά και το κεφάλι της γύρναγε για να βλέπει ότι μπορούσε. Χύσαμε μαζί, και τα χύσια μου έτρεχαν από τα κωλομέρια της ως τις γάμπες της. Η φίλη της στο άλλο δωμάτιο άκουγε.
Όταν ανεβήκαμε στο κρεβάτι δεν με άφησε να μπω μέσα της όπως ήθελα. Ήθελα τον κώλο της. Με ξάπλωσε και με έγλυψε ολόκληρο κι έπειτα με μια γρήγορη κίνηση έπιασε τον πούτσο μου και τον έβαλε στο μουνί της. Ήταν από πάνω μου κι εγώ έψαχνα την κωλοτρυπίδα της κι έχωνα τα νύχια μου στα κωλομέρια της
- Σε γουστάρω! Μου είπε. Βγήκα έξω για να γαμηθώ σήμερα.
- Είσαι μουνάρα! Της έλεγα εγώ συνέχεια. Δεν υπάρχει τέτοια μουνάρα στον κόσμο!!!
Κι αυτή τρελαινόταν κι ανεβοκατέβαινε με δύναμη πάνω στον πούτσο μου. Σε μια στιγμή σταμάτησε απότομα…
- Άκου, θα πάρω τον τύπο που είμαι μαζί και θέλω εκείνη την ώρα να με γλύφεις.
Πήρε το ασύρματο στο κρεβάτι και μόλις άρχισαν να λένε τα τυπικά, της άνοιξα το μουνί με τα χέρια κι άρχισα να βασανίζω την κλειτορίδα της. Το έκανα με την γλώσσα και με το δάχτυλο κι η γαμιόλα κρατιόταν να μην ουρλιάξει. Δεν άντεξε και το έκλεισε. Μου ζήτησε να την γαμήσω σα να ήταν παιδούλα. Υποκρινόταν τέλεια:
- Αχ, δεν μου το έχουν ξανακάνει!!!
Κι εγώ μέσα στο παιχνίδι της έλεγα να μην το πει στους γονείς της.
Την έβρισκε έτσι. Κι εγώ όμως. Την κάρφωνα δυνατά κι αργά… την κοίταζα στα μάτια και της τον έβαζα αργά και δυνατά, μετά της τον έχωνα απότομα και τον τράβαγα αργά σχεδόν μέχρι έξω από το μουνί της, μόνο το κεφάλι άφηνα μέσα. Η πλάτη μου έτρεχε αίμα και στο τέλος άρχισα να την γαμάω ξέφρενα.
- Πες μου πως είμαι ξεφτιλισμένη! Πες μου να το ακούω πριν χύσω… πες μου ότι δεν έχεις ξαναδεί γκόμενα σαν και μένα! Πες μου ότι είσαι ο γαμιάς μου κι ο άντρας μου.
- Ότι θες εσύ, καριόλα, ότι θες.
Έχυσα παντού, σεντόνια, τοίχο κι αυτήν όταν τον πέταξα έξω.
Κάναμε μπάνιο και μου έφτιαξε καφέ. Έξω ξημέρωνε. Κατέβαινα τα σκαλιά και σκεφτόμουν τι ψέμα θα έπρεπε να εφεύρω για απόψε. Στην πόρτα με περίμενε…
- Που ήσουνα…;
- Ο Πάνος είναι στο νοσοκομείο, τράκαρε άσχημα.
Δεν το πίστεψε αλλά και τι έγινε; Ήταν μια βραδιά σαν όνειρο… ούτε η γκρίνια ήταν ικανή να μου χαλάσει την διάθεση. Αποκοιμήθηκα με τα ρούχα. «Πάντα τέτοια», ήταν η τελευταία μου σκέψη.
Δυο γυναίκες κάνουν καυτό δώρο
Γεια σας, είμαι η Τζίνα, είμαι 21, με μακριά καστανά μαλλιά και πονηρά μελί ματάκια. Έχω ύψος 1.70, ζουμερές και σφιχτές καμπύλες που κολάζουν και μοναχό και ένα πολύ ανοιχτό μυαλό.Το σεξ στριφογυρνάει στο μυαλό μου. Θέλω συνέχεια να ικανοποιώ το ξυρισμένο μου μουνάκι και συγκεκριμένα με τον 22άρη μακρύ και
χοντρό πούτσο του Αλέξη με τον οποίο εδώ και ένα χρόνο έχω ζήσει τις πιο καυλιάρικες στιγμές της ζωής μου.
Μία από τις πιο έντονες εμπειρίες μας μαζί έγινε πριν από δύο μήνες. Είχα οργανώσει ένα πάρτι-έκπληξη στο διαμέρισμά μου με όλους τους φίλους μας. Όταν πέρασε η ώρα και όλοι οι άλλοι έφυγαν, ενώ είχα ήδη από πριν ξυρίσει το μουνάκι μου και αρωματίσει το σαγηνευτικό κορμί μου, χωρίς να φοράω καθόλου εσώρουχα κάτω από το μαύρο κοντό φορεματάκι μου όπως το προτιμάει ο Αλέξης, του ζήτησα να πάει να χαιρετήσει τους φίλους μας και κρυφά πήγα να ετοιμάσω ένα ζεστό μπάνιο με αφρόλουτρο και αιθέρια έλαια.
Στην αναμονή αυτών που θα ακολουθούσαν, το σώμα μου ανατρίχιαζε και ήμουν ήδη πολύ υγρή. Όταν ο Αλέξης επέτρεψε, άρχισα να τον φιλάω παθιασμένα και να τρίβω τον πούτσο του που ήταν ήδη σκληρός, πάνω από το παντελόνι. Έβγαλε έναν βαθύ αναστεναγμό και έτριψε τις σκληρές μου ρώγες μέσα από το μικροσκοπικό φόρεμά μου και ύστερα κατέβασε το χέρι του και άρχισε να τρίβει την κλειτορίδα με τον έντονο παθιασμένο ρυθμό των κορμιών μας. Τότε όμως, τραβήχτηκα απότομα, όπως ήταν προσχεδιασμένο, και τον οδήγησα στο μπάνιο. Τον διέταξα να βγάλει τα ρούχα του και να μπει μέσα στη ζεστή μπανιέρα.
Όταν προσπάθησε να με αγγίξει, του είπα να κάνει αυτό που του λέω διότι η νύχτα του επιφύλασσε πολλά. Βυθίστηκε μέσα στο νερό και εγώ φορώντας ακόμα τις ψηλές γόβες μου και το μικροσκοπικό μου φόρεμα άρχισα να τον τρίβω και να πλένω αισθησιακά όλο του το κορμί. Παρόλο που τα βυζιά μου ζητούσαν το άγγιγμά του και οι ρώγες μου ήθελαν απεγνωσμένα να νιώσουν τη γλώσσα του επάνω τους, δεν τον άφησα να με παρασύρει μέσα στη μπανιέρα μαζί του.
Τότε έσκυψα και έπιασα τον τεράστιο πούτσο του και τον πήρα στο στόμα μου. Εκείνος βογκούσε και έσπρωχνε το κεφάλι μου όλο και πιο κοντά του μέχρι που το κόντεψα να πνιγώ. Αφού έχυσε στο πρόσωπό μου εγώ καυλωμένη έγλειψα τα χείλη μου, του είπα να βγει αμέσως από την μπανιέρα, τον οδήγησα στην κρεβατοκάμαρα και έτσι βρεγμένος και καυλωμένος που ήταν, τον έριξα στο κρεβάτι και τον έδεσα σφιχτά στα σίδερα του κρεβατιού με δύο μεταξωτά μαντίλια. Εκείνη τη στιγμή τον κοίταξα προκλητικά και του είπα:
- «Ετοιμάσου να ζήσεις τη μεγαλύτερη καύλα της ζωής σου…»
Και άνοιξα την ντουλάπα και άφησα να φανεί το γυμνό δίμετρο σώμα της ξανθιάς φίλης μου, Έλενας. Μόλις την είδε, ο Αλέξης τα έχασε. Ακούμπησα τα πλούσια και καλοσχηματισμένα βυζιά της Έλενας και ξεκίνησα να τη φιλάω παθιασμένα. Γύρισα και κοίταξα τον Αλέξη με ένα πουτανίστικο βλέμμα ο οποίος είχε μείνει σαστισμένος και απόλυτα καυλωμένος. Η Έλενα με ακούμπησε στην πολυθρόνα και πήρε αποφασιστικά το πάνω χέρι στην εξέλιξη της βραδιάς. Ξεκούμπωσε αργά το φορεματάκι μου και άρχισε να ερεθίζει όλο το κορμί μου με την καυτή της γλώσσα.
Εγώ εκείνη τη στιγμή άνοιξα τα πόδια μου διάπλατα για να δώσω στον Αλέξη τη θέα του καλοξυρισμένου μουνιού μου και άρχισα να δαχτυλώνομαι επιδεικτικά μπροστά του. Ο Αλέξης έδειχνε να μην αντέχει άλλο και να προσπαθεί να λυθεί για να συμμετάσχει και αυτός στα καυτά μας παιχνίδια. Ένα ηδονικό ρίγος διαπέρασε το κορμί μου καθώς η Έλενα κατέβηκε και μου έκανε ένα απίστευτο γλυφομούνι.
Όταν τελείωσε, σηκωθήκαμε και ενώ εγώ κατευθύνθηκα προς τον Αλέξη, η Έλενα βγήκε από το δωμάτιο. Άρχισα να τον φιλάω και πλησίασα τις καυλωμένες μου ρώγες στο στόμα του. Αυτός τις έγλυφε αχόρταγα μιας και δεν μπορούσε να συγκρατηθεί άλλο ενώ είχα καθίσει δίπλα του χωρίς να τον ακουμπάω. Εκείνη τη στιγμή μου ψιθύρισε στο αφτί:
- «Σε θέλω τώρα, δεν αντέχω άλλο. Θέλω να σας πάρω και τις δύο από παντού, θέλω να γίνετε οι πουτάνες μου. Λύσε με για να σου δείξω τι θα πει ηδονή..»
Τότε εγώ του απάντησα:
- «Μην βιάζεσαι ακόμα. Κράτα τις δυνάμεις σου για μετά…»
Εκείνη τη στιγμή μπήκε η Έλενα κρατώντας ένα μπουκάλι σαντιγί και αφότου τον πλησίασε έδωσε το σύνθημα για την έναρξη του ομαδικού μας παιχνιδιού αλείφοντας μια μεγάλη ποσότητα πάνω στους γυμνασμένους κοιλιακούς του. Αρχίσαμε και οι δύο να γλύφουμε προς τα κάτω και όταν οι γλώσσες μας συναντηθήκανε πάνω στην καυλωμένη πουτσάρα του Αλέξη, φιληθήκαμε ενώ συγχρόνως γλύφαμε και το πουτσοκέφαλό του. Εκείνη τη στιγμή η Έλενα διέκοψε το φιλί, άρπαξε το μπουκάλι της σαντιγί και άπλωσε μια μεγάλη ποσότητα πάνω στα προικισμένα μου στήθια. Ακολουθώντας το παράδειγμά της έκανα το ίδιο και αρχίσαμε να τρίβουμε η μία τα βυζιά της άλλης.
Όταν πλέον κοντεύαμε να λιώσουμε από καύλα, σηκώθηκα και έλυσα τα δεσμά του Αλέξη ο οποίος έξαλλος δεν έχασε χρόνο. Με άρπαξε από τα μαλλιά, με έριξε κάτω και μου τον έβαλε βίαια στο στόμα. Η Έλενα ήρθε από πίσω μου και με δαχτύλωνε. Όταν ο Αλέξης ήταν έτοιμος να χύσει βγήκε από το στόμα μου, πήγε από πίσω μου, μου άνοιξε τα μπουτάκια μου και μπήκε μέσα μου με τη μία. Ξεκίνησε να με γαμάει γρήγορα και δυνατά μέχρι που έχυσε μέσα μου. Ο δεύτερος μου οργασμός δεν άργησε να έρθει αλλά ο Αλέξης ήθελε και άλλα. Έπιασε την Έλενα, την έστησε στα τέσσερα και έβαλε το δάχτυλό του στο τουρλωτό κωλαράκι της. Εκείνη αναστέναξε αφού φανταζόταν ήδη τι την περίμενε. Εγώ σηκώθηκα τρέμοντας απ’ την καύλα και πήγα να βοηθήσω τον Αλέξη να τεντώσουμε την κωλοτρυπίδα της Έλενας.
Όταν ένιωσε και τα δύο μας δάχτυλα βαθιά μέσα στον κώλο της, άφησε το πιο ηδονικό βογκητό που έχω ακούσει ποτέ. Τότε πρόσεξα ότι παρόλο που το υγρό μουνάκι της ήταν φρεσκοξυρισμένο σφιχτό και γυαλιστερό, δεν είχε κάνει καλή δουλειά στην άλλη τρύπα. Έσκυψα γρήγορα και ψιθύρισα κάτι στον Αλέξη. Η Έλενα δεν κατάλαβε τίποτα -ούτε εγώ θα καταλάβαινα με δύο δάχτυλα να μου ξεσκίζουν το κωλαράκι.
Ο Αλέξης τη σήκωσε απότομα και έβαλε το δάχτυλό του τόσο βαθιά που ένιωσα να τεντώνομαι και εγώ εκεί πίσω όταν τον είδα. Την έριξε με δύναμη στο κρεβάτι και την έδεσε μπρούμυτα με τα μεταξωτά μαντήλια που ήταν δεμένος πριν αυτός. Εγώ άνοιξα το συρτάρι μου και πήρα το ξυραφάκι μου. Άπλωσα λίγη σαντιγί πάνω της και άρχισα να την ξυρίζω. Όταν τελείωσα τα σφιχτά κωλομεράκια της έλαμπαν και η άτριχη τρυπούλα της έμοιαζε να μας παρακαλάει. Η Έλενα στο μεταξύ είχε λιώσει από καύλα και φώναζε να γαμήσουμε τον κώλο.
Τότε ο Αλέξης είχε μια πολύ καλή ιδέα. Πήρε το ξυραφάκι, έγλυψε τη λαβή και της την κάρφωσε βίαια -μπήκε όλη μέσα με τη μία. Άρχισε να τη γαμάει γρήγορα με το ξυραφάκι ενώ μου έσπρωχνε το κεφάλι στον τεράστιο πούτσαρό του ακόμη μια φορά. Ήθελε και τρίτη πίπα; Εγώ πάντως δεν είχα κανένα πρόβλημα να του τη δώσω. Η Έλενα κόντευε να πεθάνει απ’ την καύλα και μας ικέτευε να τη γαμήσουμε από παντού. Φώναζε κλαίγοντας:
- «Λύστε με σας παρακαλώ! Θέλω να τον πάρω από παντού! Από παντού σας λέω!
The Tom Tom Club Ch 2
As the music faded, faint struggling murmurs emerged from the indistinct darkness, the camera zoomed in on the disc cover shot, Dara made to look like Ket, bound and gagged on the floor, writhing sensually against her restraints. The door opens and in walks Tom.
"Well Ket it looks as if you are mine now," Tom spoke wickedly as he stood above her. Dara(Ket) continued to struggle against her bonds, and muttered indistinctly through her gag.
"It's okay, it's okay Ket," Tom oozed with mockery. "There will be plenty of time for you to express your fear, your utter helplessness. Today you atone for your misdeeds Ket, your arrogance, your indifference. All of it, today is your day of reckoning. Now let's see what we got."
Tom roughly pulled her up from the floor, immediately tethering her leash to an o-ring some three feet off the ground. He yanked up her cuffed arms behind her and tied them with another chain to the o-ring, so Dara(Ket) now sat on her knees with her arms pulled back uncomfortably behind her and her neck chained to the wall. Dara(Ket) squirmed in agony, but her muffled cries met only derision.
"What's the matter tough girl?" Tom asked with undisguised glee, "not so tough today huh?" He reached back and slapped her with significant force. There was a moment of silence before Dara(Ket)'s restrained voice erupted with muted cries of pain.
Tom laughed. A sickly depraved snicker that made the skin crawl. "Oh come on tough girl, you're disappointing me, you know it’s only going to get worse," he sneered as he began to fondle her breast, "you have so much to make up for."
Tom walked off, the camera zoomed in on Dara(Ket), her heaving breasts, her gagged mouth, her faint cries still attempting to fill the void. Quickly Tom returned, he had a pair of seamstress scissors and what appeared to be a leather mask of some kind in his hands. Gone was his sadist humor of before, though his silence was perhaps even more disturbing.
Methodically he placed the scissors down in front of Dara(Ket) and moved behind her to remove the bandana being used as a gag.
Immediately Dara(Ket) began protesting, "Tom-Tom, what the hell? What the hell is this...where is Da-"
That would be as far as she got before the lower half of the mask was snapped into place, an uncomfortably large ball filled her entire mouth and brought instant discomfort to her jaw. Behind her Tom was tightening the strap, stunned Dara(Ket) tried to scream, but this gag was much more effective than the rag before, her silent screams only echoed in her mind, paralyzed now with freight.
Fearfully she looked up at Tom, though now her eyes stung with unwiped tears and sweat, hoping to see her friend, hoping to make sense of it all, but he did not acknowledge her and only went about his job, the second half of the mask.
The blindfold. Between the terror of being completely incapacitated, the sight of the seamstress scissors, the rough a*****ion, Dara(Ket) had but a brief moment to realize her sight was about to be taken from her, and then she sat in complete darkness. Now hell would ensue, bound in the bottom recesses of a nondescript suburban house, unable to move, to see, to speak, so desperately alone with her thoughts, she leaned forward, trying perhaps with her body to communicate something to her captor, but she found nothing, within seconds she heard steps moving away from her, and finally the sound of the door closing.
Ket paused the video, she thought of something to say, but couldn't find the words as her mind continued to struggle grasping the enormity of what she had just seen.
"Keep playing it," a voice from seemingly nowhere.
"Keep playing it," answered Dara more forcefully, "look if you stop it every time you are shocked by something, we'll be here all day, just keep playing it, we can talk when it's over."
Ket remained silent, her finger wavered over the pause button, still unsure if she wanted to proceed, but she had to. As unwilling a pawn as her imprisoned cousin, she was being sucked into this netherworld.
The movie resumed, there was Dara(Ket), bound in solitude, whimpering faintly, her body illuminated by a single bulb overhead. The camera shot pulled back and faded out, switching to a new scene.
This time it was Dara(Ket) walking up to Tom's house, talking on her phone.
"Hey, I'm almost at your door. Meet you downstairs? I guess...oh yeah sure...yep the door's unlocked...okay see you in a bit."
Dara(Ket) opens the door and as she turns to close it, she is hit with a c********* soaked towel. After a momentary struggle, she falls to the ground. Tom stands over her and begins binding her legs with rope, handcuffs her hands behind her back, and gags her with the bandana. He lifts her into a fireman's carry and wickedly taps her bottom. On his way to the basement, he stops at the foot of the staircase, a sardonic grin emblazoned on his face.
"Oh hey Darababy," he begins as the camera moves to a disturbed Dara standing at the top of the stairs. "You did good girl, now the three of us can be one happy family. You can watch tv if you'd like, I'm going to be busy for quite some time. So no interruptions or I'll bring you down here too."
Dara flinched at the last sentence. Quickly she turned and walked out of sight. The camera moved in on Tom again, his evil smile omnipresent. Again he playfully smacked Dara(Ket)'s ass, "yeah, one big happy family."
The movie returned to the basement, white letters on the bottom read: 3 Hours Later. Dara(Ket) was silent now, her body language limp with acceptance. The dungeon room door opened and instantly Dara(Ket) was revived, getting up on her knees and trying to speak through her insufferable mask.
"Oh Ketsana, I am so sorry," began Tom, "I had to straighten out your cousin upstairs, you know what she was doing? She was pleasuring herself, you believe that? After sandbagging you to this dungeon, all she could think of was her own gratification. Don't worry though, I set her straight, she definitely won't be doing that anytime soon."
"Let's see where were we? Ah yes, scissors."
Dara(Ket) moaned through the mask, her jaw and arms ached terribly, the scissors she envisioned being used in a multitude of decrepit ways, was Tom going to kill her or just mutilate her? Her moan became a barely audible shriek as she heard him pick up the scissors.
Tom moved closer and began cutting her clothes, starting with her skirt, Dara(Ket) tried to move back though her bonds hardly allowed much maneuvering. Filled with fright, she screamed into her gag as forcefully as she could. The act left her spent, her face fell and she began to sob.
"Ketbaby...what's wrong?" Tom asked, as if the question wasn't ridiculous.
Dara(Ket) only sobbed in return. Blind, forcibly silent, and most uncomfortably bound all she could do was sob her muffled sobs and pray.
"Ketbaby, I'm not going to cut you, just your clothes," Tom replied in a grossly misplaced soothing tone. Dara(Ket) ceased her sobbing and lifted her head up, making a questioning sound through her gag as best she could.
"No, no sweetheart, I would never dream of hurting you, that way."
Tom kneeled down next to her and gently held her face as he began stroking her hair, pulling it away from the blindfold.
"Ssshhh," he whispered into her ear, "I want all of us to be happy together. You'll see Ket, I know it's going to take awhile, and I know it won't be easy, but your cousin accepted it, in time you will too."
Dara(Ket)'s sobbing stopped, her mind raced to find the meaning of Tom's words, but they only produced more questions, questions she could not ask even supposing Tom cared to answer them. As she was lost in the possibilities of his meaning, she heard the fabric of her skirt tear under the blade of the scissors, in seconds it was off. Moving behind her, Tom cut her blouse from the top down, Dara(Ket)'s spine shivered as the cold metal danced on her skin.
"Oh my, that is a sight," Tom gasped as he stepped back to look at his lesser clothed captive. Dara(Ket) was wearing all black underneath. Heels, hose, garters, a g-string, and her bra all black with the one exception of a silver o-ring that hung seductively at the midpoint of her chest.
"Ketbaby..." uttered Tom taken aback by the stunning vision before him, "it's even better than I could have imagined. Oh we are going to be so happy...you know I wanted to do this later, but I just can't help myself."
Tom reached behind her and unbuckled the blindfold. Dara(Ket)'s eyes struggled to readjust in the now well lighted room. She heard him pick up the scissors again, and in two snips cut off her g-string, as her eyes gradually regained their sight, she couldn't help but think how much more she would like to be free of her gag, and that maybe the blindfold wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Almost as if reading her thoughts Tom moved behind her again. She felt him undo the ball gag strap, a feeling of elation came over her as the pressure on her jaw eased, but it would be fleeting, as she realized he'd only meant to tease her with a short reprieve. The will to resist was rapidly leaving her, she cried into her now ultra repressive gag, the inability to close her mouth was maddening, dejectedly she lowered her head and let loose her tears.
Suddenly she felt a hand grab her by the hair and lift up her head. Tom began wiping her eyes with a soft damp cloth, when he was done she opened her eyes to see him standing over her. It was the same face she'd seen every workday for over three years, her chaotic mind struggled to grasp the reality her vision stated. If only I could speak, she thought, as she gazed into those cool hazel eyes, but something told her no words could get her out of this.
"Hey there, Ketbaby," Tom began smoothly as he ran his hand across her forehead, "I bet that gag is really starting to hurt, huh?"
Dara(Ket) replied with an affirmative whimper, another bout of crying on the cusp of being unleashed.
"Ssshhh," whispered Tom, "I promise if you behave good and do what I say, I'll change this horrible mask for the scarf from before okay? Wouldn't that be nice?"
Dara(Ket) suddenly sprung from her agony, her eyes brightening with life. Tom smiled at her reaction, "maybe we can even move you into a more comfortable position too, I bet those arms of yours are really screaming, but you're going to have to stop crying and let me do what I need to, do you understand?"
Dara(Ket) nodded her head emphatically, she imagined her release and was desperate to attain it.
"Good girl, you see things are going to work out real well for us," Tom said as he unzipped his pants, "real good."
Dara(Ket)'s eyes bulged with horror as it became clear what Tom intended to do. Although she still missed her blindfold, suddenly she was grateful for the gag, whatever was going to happen at least it wouldn't be in her mouth.
"I've been saving myself for this day Ketbaby," Tom gravely spoke, "you don't know how glad I am you are finally home."
Dara(Ket) barely noticed the words as her stare was fixed on Tom's groin, though she knew it was coming, it didn't stop her heart from beating fast and queasiness overcoming her. She wondered about her tight gag, what it would be like to choke on her vomit chained to the floor in this suburban house turned dungeon hell, but even that was negated her as her growling empty stomach verified.
Tom was already undressed from the waist down, unabashedly he lubed up his member as he wantonly eyed his distressed captive. Dara(Ket) felt doom encompass her, she wondered for the last time if this was some sick joke, she peeked around the corner of the room to see if her cousin would come out laughing, maybe it was one of those 'teach the cold bitch a lesson' jokes, the kind that force you to look at yourself and change your life. My life is changed, thought Dara(Ket), I swear my life is changed.
"If you could," Tom began matter of factly, "it would be great if you could struggle a bit, that would really help me out a lot, maybe groan through the gag a little?"
"HHMMMPPHHH!!" Dara(Ket) raged into her suppressive gag, infuriated with his nerve.
"Oh yes..." moaned Tom, "that's it...oh it’s going to be so great Ketbaby...so great..."
Dara(Ket) slumped back, he had gotten her to do exactly what he wanted. Her arms stung from her abrupt reaction to his comment, her jawbone ached, her vocal chords strained though she hadn't uttered anything beyond meek grunts and whimpers.
Tom stepped closer to Dara(Ket), all the while keeping his stare fixed upon her. Dara(Ket) tried pulling back, but there was nowhere to go, he came to a stop just as he could get no closer without touching her. From here Dara(Ket) could hear every revolting detail, the sound of moist skin flapping against muscle, pubic hair rasping against his accelerating hand. Though she tried, she could not break her stare from his member, even as his purpose became clear, even as her empty stomach turned inside her, she was frozen, a deer in headlights.
And then it came. A veritable explosion that was upon her too quickly for her to know anything but blindness. She tried lowering her head, but Tom grabbed her by the hair and kept pumping out the last secretions into her ruined face.
Dara(Ket) felt utterly defeated. Her mind no longer capable of sustaining coherent thought, her body exhausted from its futile struggle against her restraints, she began to feel hazy, as if this nightmare sequence could dissipate into a neutral nothingness. Slowly her eyelids began to creep down, she felt comfort, her bonds the arms that would rock her to the escape of sleep.
She was snapped back to the nightmare by a burning sting across her cheek and a thunderous ringing in her ears.
"Look," began Tom obviously annoyed, "you made me get cum on my hand stupid bitch." Flustered he wiped his hand on a clean patch of her hair.
Dara(Ket) flinched with repulsion at his last gesture. Indignant, she turned her face away and cast an admonishing glance at him before turning her eyes downward.
"You're k**ding me right?" Tom seethed.
As he zipped his pants up, he walked over and brought back a facial mirror from the other side of the room. As he approached her, he roughly grabbed the o-ring on her collar and forced her face upward.
"You see that?" Tom asked holding the mirror inches from Dara(Ket)'s face.
Dara(Ket) was mortified at her own sight, Tom had seemingly sprayed her everywhere, she even felt it begin stick in places the mirror wasn't showing. Mascara ran down her cheeks, as semen, sweat, and tears mixed together and cascaded downward.
"You know what you are Ket?" Tom questioned contemptuously. "You are a fucking cum rag, and you're going to get a lot dirtier before I clean you."
"You know, I'm a bit upset over your reaction Ket," Tom continued as he released his grip on her collar and returned the mirror to its place. "It seems we have a long way to go Ketbaby, but don't you worry, we are going to get there, whatever it takes we are going to get there. I want you to think about that while I'm gone."
Tom walked back to her and knelt down in front of her, "as you're sitting here chained to a pole, as those cum spots begin to itch, as they intermingle with your sweat, as you sit here in the darkness wondering when you can pick your nose again, I want you to think about your reaction and how much it cost you."
Dara(Ket) could not stand it any longer, she let out a monstrous uncontrollable sob, muffled by her gag. I am a cum-rag, she thought, despairing in that fact. Tom would not acknowledge her though as he methodically stepped behind her and strapped on her blindfold.
"I'm going to use this little break to check in on your cousin," Tom spoke sedately as Dara(Ket) was immersed in darkness again, her wail reduced to a mere whimper, "and when I get back, I'd like to see an improvement in attitude."
Tom stepped behind her and loosened her gag, Dara(Ket)'s mouth instantly closed the incremental amount afforded her, a welcome, though hardly sufficient gift.
Again Tom knelt beside her, this time whispering in her ear, "you see I can make it easy or I can make it difficult, I can make you smile or pray for death Ket, like I said, think about it while I'm gone, maybe this will help."
Dara(Ket) felt him place earphones on her head, at first all she heard was the slight hum of feedback, then a faint voice, instantly familiar, it was Dara.
"I will obey my master always...I will obey my master always...I will obey my master always..."
Then the sound of a wicked snap from a whip followed by Tom's booming voice, "LOUDER..." another whap, "AGAIN!"
Dara(Ket) wept anew at the sound of her cousin's torture, wept anew for their fate with this madman, through her silent tears she could only wonder how long it would be before he came back and turned off this hellish soundtrack.
The screen fades out and when it returns the shot is of Dara(Ket) still in the same position, still listening to her cousin's robotic affirmations of obedience. White letters flash on the bottom of the screen, 3 Hours Later, as the door to the dungeon is opened, Dara(Ket) is stirred from her semi-dream state.
Tom entered the room, under the harsh glare of the lights Dara(Ket) had begun to sweat quite a bit. He reached over and turned off the mp3 player, at last ending her auditory agony. Gently he removed the headphones, as Dara(Ket) began making what sounds she could. She desperately needed to go to the bathroom and a glass of water would have been pure heaven.
"I know, I know," began Tom sarcastically, "I've left you down here longer than I should have. Well you can blame your idiot cousin for that. Today of all days she chooses to be disobedient, you know...there might be a little jealousy there don't you think? I mean she knows you are down here all alone, scared, tired, cold, probably hungry and thirsty, and she purposely acts up. But don't you worry Ketbaby, whatever it takes, the three of us are going to get along. Why after you're broken in, we can do a bunch of cool three way stuff together, that's really going to be fun, don't you think?"
Dara(Ket) answered with a disapproving groan, and quickly felt her cheek sting.
"I told you about that didn't I?" replied Tom, the anger evident in his voice. "Four hours in the dark with dried cum on your face and you still have the nerve to answer me like that?"
Dara(Ket) again broke out sobbing, what little tears she had left, through her repressive gag she tried her best to say, "I'm sorry," hoping he could at least get the gist of her effort.
"That's better," said Tom, his voice now smooth, "since you've suffered so much today, I've decided your first day should end pleasantly. How does that sound Ket?"
Dara(Ket) again tried to convey her response through the gag, the prospect of release, of standing up, perhaps even being free of the horrific gag, elated her beyond words, which was fitting given her inability to speak.
"Yeah, you like the sound of that don't you?" asked Tom, straddling the lines between sincerity and sarcasm. "Well, I was thinking you could use a nice long shower, I see you've been sweating a bit under these lights, then we could have some down time just the two of us before you go to bed. Now you'll still be restrained, but I promise they won't be as restrictive and you'll be in a more comfortable position. There is just one little thing you've got to do to make me happy."
Dara(Ket) lifted her blindfolded eyes toward him, she stood up on her knees and leaned forward as much as she could, yapping, almost dog-like to signal her acceptance. Anything, anything to get out of here.
Tom looked down on her, his eyes almost moist with her reaction. "Oh Ket, you don't know how happy I am to see you respond like this, we are going to be so happy together. Well what I need you to do, is the same thing as before I left, only now you are going to like it. Understand?"
Dara(Ket) swallowed hard. Catching herself before any sign of revulsion could creep over her, she lowered her head and slowly nodded. This was the price to pay for release, there was no way she could endure another round of solitary. Her muscles ached intolerably, the gag was maddening, the inches she could move, she had to struggle for. Yes, it was a small price to pay, something she had already endured, something he would do regardless.
Dara(Ket) pulled her head back up and tried to signal her acquiescence, indeed even to feign some enthusiasm. The time had come for frontal resistance to cease.
Tom smiled, again the devil's smile, "oh I just love how things are going along Ketbaby, I'm so glad you're coming around, so glad you have no idea."
He wasted no time unzipping his pants and planting himself again inches from her face. Once more Dara(Ket) found herself staring down his member from uncomfortable range.
"I know it's been a long day Ketbaby," Tom hurriedly spoke as he applied lubricant to himself again, "but can you struggle a bit again? I promise after this we're done, just some moans through the gag, maybe a little sensual writhing."
Dara(Ket) was shocked by his manner. Here, bound like a piece of property, her will not yet broken, but beyond active resistance, his semen dried on her face with more to come, and he spoke as if he were asking her to pass the salt. She had some tricks up her sleeve too though.
Sensually as he suggested, she began gyrating her hips, softly she moaned against the hellish gag, staring up at him with her best longing eyes, she lowered her head so her long cum-stained brown hair could hang down over her breasts. Dara(Ket) slowly brought her head back up, again locking her stare to his, she let out a sensual moan as she steadily rubbed her backside against the pole she was chained to, with her hands lower she playfully moved the chains along the pole, like an innocent discovering her bonds for the first time, her stare never leaving his.
Tom stared into her eyes, completely lost in them. Her soft moaning, her slowly moving body, he was entranced by her seduction, a tiny speck in a deep blue ocean. Robotically his hands continued their work, somewhere he was cognizant of their actions, cognizant of their goal, but for now lost like he had never been. Then with a jarring tremor inside his head, the dream burst, again a torrent fell upon Dara(Ket), the climax bringing him back to the real world, as she sat beneath him struggling to see.
Tom felt his spine shiver. For a brief moment, she had held the power. That dreamy, melancholy stare had drawn him in and rendered him powerless, if it hadn't been for his climax, he might still be enraptured. His mind struggled with the idea, enraged that his slave incapacitated as she was, had managed to get the better of him however momentarily.
He looked down at her, she was just his captive again, chained to a wall with fresh semen hanging on her face and hair, mascara running from sweat and tears, red, swollen cheeks from when he had slapped her. Again just a slave. Still he was perturbed enough to blindfold her again, just in case.
Dara(Ket) uttered faint protestations over going dark again. Alone with her thoughts, she wondered if her little trick had backfired. She could make out some rumbling, and then to her despair, the sound of the door slamming shut. Again bound in solitude, darkness, she cursed herself for apparently going too far with him, and softly began to weep.
She had just begun to accept her situation when she heard the door open. Her heartbeat fluttered as she could tell by Tom's footsteps he was upset.
"Okay girl, time for your shower," Tom said without a hint of displeasure in his voice. "I bet you're ready to get out of her huh?"
Dara(Ket) sat flummoxed. She could tell even with the blindfold something was bothering him, yet here he was trying to sound pleasant. She let out a small whimper to signal her agreement, inside she could only hope she wasn't being set up.
"All right then," Tom began, the edge now completely gone from his voice, "this is going to be a bit difficult and its going to take a while, don't worry though I'll be here for you, I won't let you fall."
As he spoke he gently placed his hand on her forehead and through her hair. The same hair and face he had stained yet again minutes ago. Dara(Ket) could not help but be touched by the gesture, despite the monstrosity of it all, the tenderness she felt in his touch was real, like some twisted ultimate control freak love story.
Quietly he started working on her bonds. Behind her, Tom undid the leather restraints on her ankles, Dara(Ket) could feel no difference except the fresh air dancing where the straps had been. Next he undid the leather restraints on her arms, once free both wrists came crashing into her lower back and bounced off to her sides, from her left wrist both leather cuffs dangled and clinked in a sickly orchestra, pins and needles fired out from her neck down to her finger tips, doubling her over with such force her head nearly crashed into the hard floor beneath her, but true to his word, Tom was there to catch her.
"Woah," bemused Tom, apparently somewhat entertained by Dara(Ket)'s near miss with the ground. "I got you, don't worry, don't you worry Ketbaby, I got you."
Dara(Ket) could only sit there helpless in his arms, thinking how unnecessary her bonds were, here she was finally free and entirely unable to muster any kind of movement, a complete baby at the mercy of her captor. She imagined a wicked grin on Tom's face as he alternately subjected and rescued her from his whims.
Carefully Tom shifted her torso back onto the pole and bracing her with one hand, he began pulling her squashed legs out from beneath her. Dara(Ket) bellowed into her gag yet again as shock coursed through her lifeless legs. The pins and needles were daggers and hatchets, her muscles were but centers of pain, broadcasting with such volume as to reverberate in her head. Again she let out an excruciating yelp, damning her infernal ball gag for internalizing her hellish screams.
"Shhhh," whispered Tom, "it will be over soon Ketbaby, I promise, just do what I say, just do what I say."
Dara(Ket) was beyond muttering any affirmation, she had never experienced this type of pain before, hours upon hours tied so stringently, so bereft of movement, of voice, of even sanity. Quickly Tom lifted her and placed her standing upright on the wall. She was only vaguely aware of the straps he began tying her down with, except to know something other than Tom was holding her up. As she heard him step away, horror overcame her as she thought he was leaving her again, only this time in a more ergonomic bondage. Then she heard a flick of a switch, followed by a low steady hum, what felt like fingers poking through a rubber sheet that began working her muscles, gradually bringing them to life.
"This will get you back to normal soon enough," Tom delicately whispered in her ear. Dara(Ket) felt the speed of the machine pick up, she relished in the darkness in her newfound wonderment. Like landing after being lost at sea, it was pure heaven, she felt if she could stay like this forever, she'd never have to see or speak again.
Tom stepped back from her, regaining somewhat that aura of fixation, though her eyes were safely behind the blindfold, he could not help himself, as beaten as she was, she was still regal. He knew he would have to beat that out of her until she groveled before him, until she begged for his attention, begged even for the discipline, then she would be his and his fear would vanquish. Quietly he stepped outside the room, she wouldn't hear him now anyway, best to give her some time alone in her happiness. She would have to pay for her seductive little number from before, a nice jarring blow of cold reality, he wickedly grinned as he visualized.
"Yes Ketbaby," Tom said to himself once outside, "just to show you who is boss."
Dara(Ket) was ignorantly dreaming away. Alone in the darkness with the steady hum of the massage apparatus, the blood slowly returning to her spent limbs, her mind drifted to gentler memories. When Tom's voice came crashing through her sweet dreams, she felt despair encompass her again. The recollection of her ordeal resounded with a thud in her beaten psyche.
"Ketbaby," Tom softly spoke, Dara(Ket) was growing weary of his suddenly agreeable tone, "are you feeling better?"
Still bleary from her placid reverie Dara(Ket) slowly nodded her affirmation.
"All right, I am going to unstrap you," again the soothing tone, "please try to move slowly, I don't want you to get hurt."
If she could have Dara(Ket) would have laughed. It was ridiculous, now he was concerned about hurting her? She again slowly nodded her consent. A sudden thought crashed into her head, I am about to be freed. As she heard the straps coming off, the idea of escape flashed before her eyes, but it was a fleeting vision. Here in a basement, blind, silent, and still reeling from the stress of her confinement, she was in no condition to take on Tom. It was a bitter pill, but she would have to wait for the right time, knowing full well, it might never come.
"Also," Tom began somberly, "it goes without saying, don't try to escape. We'll be back at square one, and it would be most depressing for you to start all over again."
Dara(Ket) gulped, involuntarily shuddering at the thought of reliving her ordeal. Now even with her limbs about to be set free, she was as imprisoned as ever.
As he was about to undo the arm restraints, Tom stopped. "I promise you, one day you will see the sun again, you will walk normally, speak, see, eat, enjoy the simple pleasure of being alive, but to get there I need you to trust me and do what I say. Do you understand?"
Again Dara(Ket) slowly nodded, as if coming to grips with her decision to stand down. The straps came off and just like that she was free. Slowly she moved her arms toward her face each hand clutching the other wrist, freedom from the nasty cuffs at last. She felt the craters they had left on her wrists and again was grateful for the blindfold.
With dread Dara(Ket) felt his hands grasp her left arm. Instinctively she tried pulling it back, but her wrist was much too sore to resist him.
"What the hell did I just say?" Tom bellowed with naked rage. He reached and struck her cheek. "WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY?" and followed it up with a backhand across the other cheek.
Dara(Ket) sobbed anew. Through her infernal gag she bawled, "sorry," over and over again, robotically, incoherently, but desperate to convey her remorse, her willingness to accept anything to avoid another episode on her knees.
Tom stared back at her. Red puffy cheeks, cum stains on her chest, saliva dangling from her gag, and he wanted her so bad.
"All right Ket, you get a pass this time, but it's the last. I swear it means nothing to me if you go back to the beginning. I have time."
Dara(Ket) emphatically nodded her head to signal her understanding, and muttered her pathetic sorry one last time for good measure. She felt her wrist encompassed by a soft wool-like band, and then the next.
"These won't hurt your flesh," Tom began, "but push me again and we can go back to steel, are we clear?"
Dara(Ket) signaled her submission through another whimper, her head dropping in utter resignation and exhaustion.
"Good then, I guess it’s time we got you cleaned up."
The edge seemed gone from his voice, Dara(Ket) felt him lift her restrained wrists to just below her face and heard him linking the chain to the o-ring on her collar. She caught herself just as she was about to protest, to do so now, having suffered epic indignity would be disaster. Instead she merely clammed up, she had to begin winning confidence.
"Okay, we are going to walk slowly," Tom began, "I'll be behind you, and I'll direct you, do you understand?"
Dara(Ket) nodded slowly, she wanted to tell him her ankles were still chained together, but she realized he didn't mean to remove them. If indeed this was supposed to be an easy stroll, her heels wouldn't still be on, nor would she have her hands chained to her neck, and there was still the blindfold and ballgag. No this was all purposeful, another tactic to reinforce her obedience.
"All right then," Tom said as he tugged on her leash, "you can start walking."
Dara(Ket) began slowly, completely blind, she took one step forward, realizing her ankle restraint allowed her about eighteen inch strides. Whatever kindness he had shown her before, she understood were mere tools to ensure compliance. As if to prove her point, he yanked her leash and teased.
"Sorry Ketbaby," Tom oozed on the remnants of his evil derision, "you need to turn right about 75 degrees."
Dara(Ket) was slow to respond, again he yanked the leash, "75 DEGREES! NOW!”
Dara(Ket) shuddered at his suddenly callous demeanor. As she adjusted herself for the turn, she thought she had to win this fight. Whatever he might do to condition her, she would have to resist, all the while convincing him otherwise.
"All right, now we want to make a left," Tom said pulling the leash again. Dara(Ket) obediently stopped and faced left, proceeding cautiously, she could now smell dampness in the air, the laminated wood floor she had begun this march on was now tile, as she entered further the smell of antiseptic filled her nostrils. This was a bathroom, but it was huge, gym size, her heels resounded on the tile floor and echoed off the spacious walls.
"Keep going, keep going," Tom said as he playfully tugged on her leash. "Now I want you to turn hard left again, that's it, good girl, now just keep going forward until I tell you to stop."
Dara(Ket) seethed with rage. Just a short time ago, she had felt on the cusp of turning the tide, of perhaps having some hope to cling to in this recess of pitiful darkness. Now she was reduced to being a pet on a leash. Being pranced around this dungeon blind, in heels and restraints, him tugging on her neck and laughing his sickly laugh. All hope seemed lost as the futility of her anger became evident.
"Okay stop," came the command with a sharp tug. Dara(Ket) let out an utterance of frustration before she realized. Tom wasted no time ridiculing her.
"Is something wrong Ketbaby?" he mocked. "Missing your basement already?"
Dara(Ket) vigorously shook her head. It was sarcastic, she could tell, but the horror of her diabolical confinement was very fresh in her mind. Whatever he wanted to do next, she wished he would get to it.
"Then be a good girl like I told you," he mock admonished. "Turn around and face me, good now we are going to clean you up girl, god you are filthy."
Dara(Ket) felt a pit of despair encompass her as she remembered the look on her face when she saw her reflection.
Tom unhooked the wrist restraint from her collar. He lifted her arms above her head and chained them to the wall. She began to wonder how he was going to get her clothes off when she heard the sound of a hose being turned on. My clothes, my clothes, Dara(Ket) thought, when she heard him at her ear.
"I mix in a little soap with the spray, so I don't want you to think you are not getting clean. Trust me, you are going to feel a lot better after this."
The words reverberated in her head and then the spray was upon her. Ghastly cold, Dara(Ket) felt her heart leap in her chest. She cried out into her gag, the loudest expressions she had managed until then. The hose was directed at her face, cold water came seeping into her mouth, she gladly sucked it down before realizing its soapy taste. It rained upon her blindfold, sounding like storm sheer on a tarp, then into her eyes. She tried moving her head, but to no avail, where ever she went the stream followed. Finally she just stopped moving, resigned to accept this next level of depravity.
Suddenly the spray stopped.
"You know, I just don't think some of those spots are going to come out," Tom observed. "I think we need a little something more, it's a good thing I brought this brush, don't you worry Ketbaby, I'll have you spotless in no time."
Dara(Ket) heard something being dumped into a bucket, the sound of dripping water, and then sharp bristles rasping across her breasts. Again she cried out, perhaps louder this time. The spray resumed, now coarse brush and icy stream worked together in their drive to agonize, an acutely potent tag-team. Water slid down the narrow valley of her breasts and filled her bustier with frigid mass, it trickled down to her buttocks and pelvic area, bringing her a morbid arousal that repulsed her. As Tom continued rasping her exposed chest area with the brush, streams of water rained down from the bottom fringe of her bustier, some fell back to the floor, others made their way down her garters and into her nylons, down to her feet and shoes where they began pooling up and overflowing, as the icy water encased her lower extremities, Dara(Ket) tried frantically to shed her expensive shoes, normally an easy accomplishment, but not today. Whatever she tried, they would not come off, she ran one shoe over the other, in a desperate attempt to know what was keeping them on when Tom answered it for her.
"Packaging tape," he informed her without interrupting his work, "while you were out that second time. Sorry girl, I just love how they look on you, really I'm surprised this is the first time you've tried to take them off. Thing is, I want them to stay on, got it?"
Dara(Ket) did not respond, she was lost in a daze of complete surrender.
Tom popped her lightly on the face with the raspy brush, "hey I asked you a question," followed by another jab.
Dara(Ket) awoke from her daze and nodded heartily, convinced her will was breaking and helpless to stop it.
"All right then," Tom replied condescendingly. "We've got to move this along now huh?"
Dara(Ket) tried to mutter something through the gag, but her short, desperate breaths prevented that. Instead she merely nodded incessantly, like some bondage bobble-head. She imagined Tom with his sickly grin, as the spray and brush moved about her with more purpose and speed. The relative elation of her seductress dance was long extinct. In minutes he had reduced her to a frantic a****l, he laughed at her misery, not even an organism with feelings, but a piece of property debased for amusement.
Tom was silent now, consumed apparently with his work. The freezing rain continued its assault on her trembling body. Brush and spray worked congruously, down her chest, over her bustier, down to her hips. Dara(Ket) took some solace in the progression of her clean up. Just then she felt him pause. A shiver of terror flashed down her spine as she realized where he was, remembered the one piece of clothing that he'd removed thus far. She gasped in anticipation of pain, imagining the nasty bristles scr****g across, and all the while Tom gleefully prolonging her misery by just standing there, hovering the brush.
"Does it turn you on?" he asked non-chalantly.
Dara(Ket) merely stood frozen, stumped by the question.
"The fear, does it turn you on?" Tom repeated, jabbing her face with the brush for emphasis.
Dara(Ket) snapped out of it, she shook her head violently, tried her best to scream no through the gag. He was sick, and his sickness made her skin crawl. How she would love to utter those words to him, and be free to leave of course.
"That's too bad," sighed Tom, feigning disappointment. "I think when we are done though, you'll have a different answer."
Dara(Ket) stood there anticipating. She cringed when she felt something touch her pelvic area, recoiled as if there was anywhere to recoil to, but she was shocked to find it was only his hand. Slowly, gently he prodded her, building a rich lather in her bush. Methodically he rubbed her with up and down strokes. Dara(Ket) could not help but cave to the pleasure she felt, the warmth of his proximate body. After her tumultuous day, it was heaven to be touched like this, even given her current state, maybe because of her current state, whatever, the bliss was undeniable.
"Oh I see we found something you like huh?" Tom chimed after several minutes of dreamy harmony.
Dara(Ket) could only softly moan her submission. With but a touch he had erased all her vile memories of the day, if she could only speak, she would have offered her body to him forever in that moment, anything, any indignity to feel this.
Suddenly the pleasure ceased. Stunned, Dara(Ket) reached her pelvis out hoping to reconnect with the magic of before. Anything would do, she would have humped his leg right then if he'd been gracious enough to offer it, but nothing, only air, cold, damp, and sucking the life she felt reprieved by right out of her.
"All right that's enough now Ket," Tom said in a scolding manner. "I think I need to cool you off."
With that he doused her with the frigid spray again. Dara(Ket) lept with shock as the icy water shot up her vagina. She cried, not bothering to hold back her sobs, muffled as they were. Through the wretched gag she pleaded, trying her best to make out an audible please, without shame, at that moment, all was pitiful blackness again. The dream state gone, her blessed sanctuary swept out from under her, how she hated him, but merely stood there pleading for him to get her off, engulfed with the despair of knowing it wasn't going to happen.
Abruptly the spray stopped. Tom walked behind her without saying a word and snipped the back of her bustier. Dara(Ket) felt it fall down effortlessly, now dangling by the garter straps, despite her nakedness, she felt liberated by the removal of the water-logged garment, though she wondered what might still be coming now that her flesh was exposed.
Moving efficiently, Tom continued stripping her. She felt the tape being pulled off her shoes and off they came. She heard him casually toss them and wondered if she would ever see them again, if she would ever get to wear them and walk down the street, confident all males would be looking, perhaps saving a mental image for later, but ultimately sensing their longing.
Tom disengaged the garters, her top which had been split down the middle, fell to the floor. It too was tossed aside. Next she heard him unstrap her ankles and relished the sensation of being somewhat free. He pulled down her stockings and alas Dara(Ket) was completely naked except for her mask and the wrist restraints that kept her taut frame upright.
Tom resumed hosing her, the icy water now pounding on bare flesh. Just as she thought her ordeal may be subsiding, back came the brush. Everything had been but a ploy, the hosing with clothes on, the tease and denial, the infuriating jabs to the face with the brush. All of it just to break her, just to show her his dominance. Now that she was stripped, all he wanted was to clean her up, as she could tell by his silent workmanlike demeanor.
"All right, now turn around," he commanded.
Before she could even think, Dara(Ket) did as she was told. Her response was shocking to her. It was bad enough to know your will was being systematically broken, but to see it happen and not be able to stop it, brought Dara(Ket) an acquiescence of defeat that was as absolute as her confinement.
Tom was apparently in a hurry now, as he quickly rubbed her down and hosed her off. Not even bothering to inflict pain or discomfort, unless as a byproduct, even the water temperature was bearable now.
"All right," he began, somewhat short of breath, "we've got to do the hair. That means the gag and blindfold are coming off. Don't make any trouble."
He could have easily said nothing. It was obvious to him Ket was beaten. Her auto response to his turn around command was a breakthrough he wasn't counting on seeing until the next day, perhaps even later. As he removed the gag, she let out a barely audible c***d-like sigh of relief, her jaw slowly coming to a close. Satisfied, Tom removed the blindfold, remembering all too well his previous fixation. Now though after hours of darkness, she could only squint under the bright lights of the large bathroom.
Quickly Tom soaked her hair with the hose. He lathered her up and began massaging, as he worked to get her hair clean, somewhat amused by his cum stains, he became acutely aware of her naked proximity and his desire for her. He thought about climaxing her right then, but no, he had to hold off. Whatever progress was made today, he had to stick to the plan. The reward would be much greater tomorrow. He had to remember that.
Tom shut out her naked features and concentrated on the task at hand, difficult as that might be. Cleaning her long hair proved to be laborious, it had caught most of his discharge and he needed her spotless, so he pushed on.
When Tom finished washing her, an eerie silence hung in the bathroom. Dara(Ket) looked up, her eyes finally coming around, she was stunned with the vastness of the lavatory. Still trembling from the coldish shower, she wondered what was in store for her next. Tom, apparently tired from the day's events, plodded through his movements, putting his instruments of torture away.
Before long he redirected his attention to her. "Okay Ket," he began despondently, "it's almost time to call it a night. That sound good?"
It was almost as if he were trying to convince himself. Dara(Ket) caught herself not answering, and began to nod her head vigorously.
"Oh that's so sweet Ketbaby," Tom replied apparently taken by her response, "but you can speak now, you have my permission."
Dara(Ket) was shocked, though no gag was silencing her, she could still feel it. The leather straps snuggly fitted, the ache of her jaw, the antiseptic taste of the horrible plastic ball, all still there, though she knew they were gone.
"Y-y-yes," she began slowly, as if speaking for the first time.
Tom walked up to her, the evil look of before reigniting his tired features. Casually he stepped behind her, placing his nose on her neck, deliberately he brought his left hand up to her breast and gave her nipple a rough squeeze. Dara(Ket) cringed with pain, though her sounds remained restrained.
"When I ask you something, you answer, always. If you are gagged, you speak through the gag with the best possible effort. All your answers are prefaced with 'yes master' and finished with 'thank you master.' Do you understand?" He wickedly turned the pinched nipple for emphasis.
"Y-YES MASTER! THANK YOU MASTER!" Dara(Ket) shouted out as loud as she could through tears of pain and humiliation.
"That's so much better Ketbaby," Tom responded in his sinister tone. "Now I can start drying you, look at you shivering in this cold water, you poor thing. After I'm done I'll get you laid down to sleep and we can start a new day tomorrow."
Dara(Ket) cried tears anew at the thought of what tomorrow might bring. At least he hadn't asked her to confirm his fondness for the next day with another robotic submission. Of course he didn't need to now, and that was what saddened her the most. What began as an effort to win some confidence, was now a cascading breakdown she was helpless to stop.
Tom left the room leaving her hanging by her wrists, still shivering. She recalled his statement earlier about being restrained less harshly and being allowed to sleep. She wondered how true those comments were, after all at one time she was looking forward to this shower. Maybe it will just be a blanket and the floor in some closet, she thought, whatever, if her arms weren't keeping her up, she'd fall to the floor and sleep, shivering cold and all.
Just then Tom returned. He had no towels with him, just a riding crop. Dara(Ket)'s heart began to pump vociferously, the desire for sleep expelled by new terror.
"Only one way to dry off Ketbaby," Tom said amused with himself, "got to beat it off."
Dara(Ket) gasped for breath. She had not seen this coming, but then it was futile to guess his next moves, that much she was learning.
"Turn around," Tom wickedly drooled, "sooner we get started girl, sooner we can call it a night."
Dara(Ket) turned, no point in making things worse now. She was on her own mission, to get through this night as soon as possible.
"Keep it down girl," Tom advised cocking the whip, "if I have to get out that gag again, it’s not coming off."
Dara(Ket) gulped. The thought of that infernal gag made her nauseous. As stomach acid turned on itself in her empty stomach, the first stroke crashed down on her left buttock, then again, almost in the same spot.
"Yeah, you know we gotta get every last drop Ketbaby," Tom managed through his repulsive chuckling.
Again, whoosh, the crop sliced through the air. The pain seared into her vision. White hot flashes, like being sunburned and diving into a pool on your stomach. Dara(Ket) closed her eyes, how many strikes would it take? What about her hair which continued dripping frigid water down her back and front? Surely he didn't mean to expel every last drop of water from her body with a riding crop, that was simply insane. And yet, whoosh, it continued.
The searing white heat gave way to darkness. Slowly he advanced on her backside, all the pain bleeding into a constant pulsating throb, but still the darkness encompassed, gradual to be sure, but like nightfall, inevitable, and just like that Dara(Ket) could feel no more.
With that the screen went black. Ketsana gathered herself and in between agitated breathes managed to hit the pause button just as the new screen emerged.
"Dara?" she queried as if walking on eggshells.
Dara awoke from her catnap, through hazy eyes and groggy voice she asked, "is it done?"
"I don't think so," replied Ket, "I'm at the part where I pass out while having water whipped off my ass." Ket caught herself before erupting into hysterical laughter, after all it wasn't her ass, and none of this was funny.
"You've still got the next day," answered Dara through her sleepy voice. "I think you should see it. It gets darker...if you can believe that."
"Dara, I'm not sure I want to see anymore, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I set you up with him, shouldn't we get the hell out of here now? I never want to see that psycho again. Let's just get your things and go, he can't stop us from leavi-"
"Look, it’s not just some dumb movie," Dara explained, the lethargy dissipating, "there isn't much left, just finish watching it, we'll talk about it after."
"But we have to do something," Ket said begging for confirmation, "right?"
"Just watch the rest," pained Dara, "we'll do something."
"But Dar-"
"Wake me when you're done."
With that Dara fell back and closed her eyes, muting any further argument. Ket's finger hovered over the pause button, on the screen she could make out the new scene. It was her cousin playing her in what appeared to be some confinement room. She appeared enveloped in chains and just waking up. Though she tried to fight it, the dark wonderland beckoned her. Through repulsion, surfaced desire. She knew then all her claims to the contrary were a lie, she wanted to know this, every lurid detail.
Her hand trembling with anticipation, she managed to unhinge the disc from its lifeless state, and again found herself wondering the darklands, her morbid curiosity getting the better of her
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